Special message from our founder and primary sponsor, Dr. David Arond
I am tremendously grateful for the creativity, love, and commitment shown by our Director, Andrew Raphael, and by what he's accomplished in a very short time. Andrew is creating a community built on love, joy, responsibility, and hard work.
We are so excited that Butterfly Foundation for Peace is already able to send some children to school for their very first time, and sponsor some older youth for Vocational training.
BUT . . . We cannot do all of this work ourselves. WE NEED YOUR HELP!
VOLUNTEER Your Talents!
Share Our WEBSITE!
Send us GRANT Writers!
Until there are no more--I say, NO MORE--homeless "street kids" or any children in Blantyre who lack the ability to read and write, do math, think critically and creatively, and contribute positively to Malawian society.
This is our Dream, this is our Vision.
Please consider a gift to Butterfly Foundation for Peace!
Education . . . Health . . . Social and Mental Well-being.
You can make a significant impact on the lives of children whose only option has been drifting and living in dangerous conditions on the streets of Malawi.
This work is sorely needed. The vision is achievable! Work with us towards the time when these children, rather than being deficits to their country or even criminal elements, will instead thrive as productive members of the world we all share.
Volunteer your time and talent with Butterfly Foundation for Peace!
We are looking for:
Yoga Instructors
School Teachers
Call: +265 997 404 565
Malawian youth volunteers with Butterfly Foundation for Peace
One of our street kids, Mark, enjoys learning a new game from Keshet, a volunteer from Israel.
Eden, a volunteer from Uruguay (left) also donated money for shoes and clothing for the Butterfly kids.
I had the chance to visit the Butterfly foundation in Blantyre and it was an eye opening experience for me.
I have been amazed by how much impact Andrew & the team have had on the kids and especially given the very little limited resources and difficult environment.
Andrew leverages his own experience and empowers the local community to tackle some of the most important social issues to help the children of the street of Blantyre:
Education: formal and informal
Health: physical but also as importantly mental support
Create stronger community ties and help children reconnect with their families
The love and support that the Butterfly foundation are giving to the streets kids of Blantyre touched me deeply and I have decided to support and work alongside the team to help grow the foundation so it can continue to expand its impact.
-- Pierre Curis, Belgium